Terug naar E506 WW2 veteran Clancy Lyall Bericht schrijven

This is the guestbook to honour the brave Airborne man Clancy Lyall (WW2 veteran E Co 506 PIR). Feel free to leave a message or personal note..!! You can reach Clancy's homepage with this link : http://users.skynet.be/101airborne where you can also discover our other Airborne site, wich is a tribute to William 'Bill' Tingen and the 463rd PFAB.

Bericht 68 t/m 87 van 87
Naam Danielbethy
Datum 08-05-2024 16:20:15


Naam Jamesruike
Datum 07-04-2024 14:46:54


Naam Herbertleats
Datum 11-03-2024 22:16:42


Naam Davidimpot
Datum 04-05-2021 16:12:56


Naam jacques
Datum 20-09-2016 04:14:30


Naam James M Nemeth
Datum 26-03-2012 18:13:45

I knew Clancy through the 506th Airborne Infantry Association. And had many good conversations with him in person and by phone. He was generous honorable patriot and a truly fun guy. Rest in Peace my brother in arms.
James M Nemeth
3/506th 1970

Naam Kroon
Datum 13-10-2011 20:17:13

I wish you a happy birthday Mr.Clancy Lyall and many returns of the day and thanks for your service.

Naam Jim Growney
Datum 13-12-2010 02:40:02

Hooah! Thanks for your service!

Naam Clarence W. Lyall
Datum 17-11-2010 04:31:59

Never forget the all soldiers have a family even if it is only among themselves.

MSG Clarence W. Lyall
Retired, Army

Naam Damon Lyall
Datum 24-09-2010 18:43:39

Ya know Clancy, i think we are somehow related lol.. and we are both commo with demo training. that is awsome! i had no idea that 1 of the Lyalls was with the band of brothers.. i myself was at the tip of the spear in the invasion of iraq. with the 535th en co out of grafenwoeher germany.. i guess its in our blood to be soldiers thank you for your dedication and service.. hooah!
Damon Lyall

Naam william reading
Datum 04-06-2010 20:13:17

my name is william reading and i live in greenville,n.c.I am trying to locate a Bobby Edwards, who went to Rose High and knew agirl named Joanne Reading who is now Joanne Stancil.Bobbys sister, Donna , of Sweet Pets Fame told me that Bobby was a ww2 buff and spent all his time online and had a work at home site, i think dealing with war war 2. if you know of him, please email me Sincerely, billy reading

Naam Tom C. [Frisco]
Datum 29-01-2010 04:58:29

Clancy, of all the guys, you're one that I admire the most because of your continued service to our country. Quite a military career and Airborne the whole time.

I served in Vietnam with 2/502 JUN66-JUN67. I returned to VN with 1/505, 82nd, in FEB68. Got out JAN69. The military isn't for everybody as a career. During my time in, I had the honor to serve with several WWII paratroopers who were officers and senior NCO's. Salve Matheson was my brigade commander my last 6mos. with the 101st in VN.

Thank you for your service, Clancy.


Naam David J Dionne
Datum 13-08-2009 02:18:43

Hang Tough, Clancy!

Met you at Reading PA in June '09. Next time we meet I'll bring the Heinekens!!! Thnx for everything!!



Naam David Dionne
Datum 19-06-2009 22:09:23

Mr. Lyall,

It was a pleasure meeting you and your "Brothers" at the WWII Weekend in Reading PA 2 weeks ago. I cannot begin to adequately thank you all for what you have done for the free world.

Also, here is a link to photos I took during that weekend.

Currahee, and thanks again!


Naam Normandy Memory Club
Datum 20-02-2009 09:53:03

Un site très agréable et bien monté.
Cela fait plaisir de voir des passionnés qui font partager leurs connaissances.
Très bien.

Naam richard r carroll
Datum 16-10-2008 22:15:53

My father Pfc Richard A carroll was with the 456pfa 82nd AB & the 463rd 101 AB jumped in Italy and southern France wounded at Bastogne and was out of the war. Medical ret in Aug of 1945

Naam Neal Armstrong
Datum 24-07-2008 12:56:47

Dear Sir,

I feel I owe it to you and the thousands like you who have granted me the freedom I enjoy today. I am a member of the Wartime Living History Association, and portray F Company, 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division. I always feel priviliged to tell people what you and your comrades did when the call went out. I hope this message finds you well and I wish you and your family all the very best.


Naam chelsea gibson
Datum 07-04-2008 05:49:05

hey grandpa!
i was just on the internet looking you up and i thought i would leave you message! even though i tell you all the time i still feel like i dont say it enough! i love you to death Grandpa and even though i used to say your older than dirt i always know you can hang with a 16 year old! I love you grandpa and your the best one out there!


Naam Bjoern M Granvang
Datum 04-03-2008 02:08:53

Great site! And thank you for including me, I am truly honored. For the record: i didn't know that Bill and Babe was in that crowd until Jane told me. In fact, I was looking for Peter, the Dutch policeman, and decided to make myself visible and hopefully be spotted and called in. I had a great time though, in 2006 as well as in 2007. You're all with me, wherever I go, always. Best wishes,

Naam Vadim Barkhatov
Datum 03-12-2007 18:49:04

Dear Clancy,
a few days ago I watched TV about last days of the World War2 then I saw report about you and your people that impressed me so much and I decided to find something about you to say thank you very much for everything you did I'd like to meet you someday and hope I'll get replied on this email Have a great day,
With all my respect,
Vadim Barkhatov

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